
These are personal projects I have been involved in going as far back as 2006. I am always seeking out interesting side projects and things to play around with and have worked most extensively in the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. I am also branching out in to Python, Javascript, Java and even a tiny bit of Ruby to continue to grow my skill set and experience.

Baby Buddy

Baby Buddy
Baby Buddy child dashboard page (24 Oct 2017).

I began development of Baby Buddy, predictably, a few months before my wife gave birth to our first child. I researched a number of websites and apps, but just could not find one that did everything my wife and I wanted. Much of the finer points of development happened as we went about the work of caring for our young child and learning about what information would help us to better understand and respond to his needs. This tool has been an amazingly valuable resource to us and hopefully it will grow further in the open source community (or least be useful to another set of tired, bewildered new parents).

This project furthered my experience with (and enthusiasm for) Python and Django as a powerful combination for quickly prototyping and building valuable tools. Other technologies used with this project include: Bootstrap 4, Plotly, Node/NPM, Gulp, Heroku, and Travis CI.


Timestrap entries page (10 Jun 2017).

Timestrap is a time tracking and invoicing app by Issac Bythewood that can be self-hosted anywhere easily. Through many contributions to the project, I have learned a great deal about Django, VueJS and the automated testing suite Selenium.

RDAP Explorer

RDAP Explorer
RDAP Explorer (9 Feb 2017).

RDAP Explorer is a basic web app for executing RDAP queries for IP addresses. The app returns formatted, interactive output and summary information as an enhancement over the standard flat-text response. I developed and launched this project in early 2017.

Friends of Burkina Faso

Friends of Burkina Faso
Friends of Burkina Faso website (11 Nov 2016).

I worked with Friends of Burkina Faso in 2016 to migrate a ten year old website to a modern, responsive Drupal 8-based website. I designed a custom sub-theme of Zircon, implemented processes for posting news, projects and other content, trained FBF's Technology Officer to keep the site updated, set up a system for keeping track of FBF membership information and migrated content and membership data from multiple sources.

Charbonneau Wells

Charbonneau Wells
Charbonneau Wells website (11 Nov 2016).

In 2015, I worked with a family member to build a professional website based on Drupal 8 and the Bootstrap theme with a very basic design and easy management interface for updating and adding new information. She uses the website to highlight and sell some of her works.


A Wayback Machine archive of the Quinn home and Highscore pages (11 Nov 2016).

From 2006 until 2013, I worked with German developer Simon Härtel on the website and server/high score database for his very popular Mac OS X game, Quinn. This was an especially fun and valuable project as I was a huge fan of Quinn before meeting Simon and the work came with a plethora of new and interesting challenges (working at a large(r) scale, UTF-8, API programming, HMAC, etc.).

The website was built from scratch using sliced PSDs provided by Simon. The backend was also built from scratch as Simon and I worked closely to create a secure, stable API to accept information from the OS X application and provide a server list for multi-player games, top scores lists on various metrics and individual player pages with personal statistics, recent submissions and overall rank information.

Other Projects

This list includes both projects I have worked on alone and projects I have collaborated with others on or made minor contributions to.